Improvements for GroupMSG Plugin with Pidgin
Using GroupMSG Plugin, you can send a mass message to your Buddy Group with Pidgin.
This is new version with an improvement:
– You can now send message to all buddies in your group or online buddies only. After installing plugin, right click on Group Name in your Buddy List, you’ll see 2 context menus instead of only 1 in previous version.
See old posts to know how to install Pidgin Plugins:
On Windows:
On Debian/Ubuntu:
Happy using plugin!!
– For Windows 32bit:
– For Debian/Ubuntu 64bit:
Newer version at:
3 thoughts on “Improvements for GroupMSG Plugin with Pidgin”
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Filed under: Linux corner - @ April 2, 2009 3:23 pm
Tags: pidgin, pidgin plugins
Is there a way to configure the plugin so that it will not create a chat tab for each user in my group? I want it to just send a broadcast. Not automatically create a conversation. If the user responds back, I’ll deal with the tab then.
Thanks a lot! would it be possible to leave a link to a 32bits .deb as well?
sorry, found it in the new Version, thanks!