Improvements for Pidgin Botsentry Plugin

Default features: – Block any message from people not in buddy list Added features: – Block any message with length > 250 chars and ask question (TODO: needed to be in preference) – Random question and answer from text file: ~/.purple/botsentry.qst – Add people into Blacklist: always block message and ask question – Add people […]

Stop Pidgin Spam in Its Tracks with Bot Sentry

I widely advertise my instant messaging ID’s as I want potential clients to be able to find me easily. But the problem with doing that is that I end up with a lot of spam messages every day. Never a day goes by without automated robots sending me instant messages inviting me to talk dirty […]

Being a teacher is tough!

Teaching is like no other profession. As a teacher, you will wear many hats. You will, to name but of a few of the roles teachers assume in carrying out their duties, be a communicator, a disciplinarian, a conveyor of information, an evaluator, a classroom manager, a counselor, a member of many teams and groups, […]

time flies

no matter you’re having fun or not. you are a naughty child. an eye blink, you are a student. one more blink, welcome to the world of adults and work.